Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Need FUNDRAISING????????

How about 50% to you for all sales before shipping and taxes? Sound great? PartyLite offers the BEST fundraising in town. You collect $500 - you get $250. Collect $2,000 - you get $1,000. All money is paid upfront and immediately on the close of the fundraiser. What good is a fundraiser if you have to wait a month or more to get that check from a company?

The fundraiser can be a Mom and Dad trying to raise money for a cheer squad or for sports equipment for your child. Or even school wide for the football program or band camp!! Whatever you need fundraising for - you can take advantage of this program.

Contact me for your easy to do fundraising kit today!!

For more information on the fundraising program from PartyLite please visit this site:
PartyLite Fundraising!!!

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